DUO® Striplash Adhesive is the world's best selling lash glue and has been a favorite of professional makeup artists for decades.
Individual Lash Adhesive - Dark Individual Lash Adhesive - Dark
Brush On Striplash Adhesive Brush On Striplash Adhesive
Eyelash Adhesive Eyelash Adhesive
56 reviews
Individual Lash Adhesive Individual Lash Adhesive
Active Duo - Clear Active Duo - Clear
Eyelash Adhesive - Dark Tone Eyelash Adhesive - Dark Tone
Brush On Striplash Adhesive - Dark Tone Brush On Striplash Adhesive - Dark Tone
Line It Lash It! 2-In-1 Eyeliner & Lash Adhesive Line It Lash It! 2-In-1 Eyeliner & Lash Adhesive

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